jeudi 17 septembre 2009

Confessions d'un enfant du siècle

Un jour, je te mets en ligne les Litanies de Satan
(dommage que l'album soit indisponible, ça avait l'air "her best and most terrifying work." intéressant... bon, en fait si on cherche un peu on les trouve ici, et le texte original de Baudelaire ici)
quelques temps plus tard, après avoir rouvert et fermé trois blogspots d'affilée, je te confesse mon renoncement à la musique !
"Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a more genuine Jesus that I have ever known. He is the Jesus of the New Testament, and his agape love is more powerful than anything else. This genuine Jesus has finally become more exciting to me than anything else, including his main competitor for my attention: music. I love music so much that it has become a drug. I need higher and higher doses of it to feel the effect (20 new albums a day, at this point). I worry about losing it or going without it. I’m addicted. So today, I’m cutting off my music consumption. I will not remove music from my life because it is a beautiful thing and I use it to worship God and experience his beauty. But I will not be its fucking slave any more, I will not let it drag me into sinful and illegal acts, and I will not let it consume time that should be spent with the Holy Spirit."
Priez pour que ça ne m'arrive pas !

2 commentaires:

  1. "I love music so much that it has become a drug"

    Apparemment il confond l'amour et l'excitation. Je ne sais pas comment Jésus va le sortir de là.

  2. il imagine qu'en devenant sourd, puis éventuellement aveugle, sa connection divine va s'améliorer.
