Dieu serait-il pleurnichard ?
Ca me donne envie d'écouter un vieux disque, tiens.
Maria, branchez donc l'électrophone.
Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey
And perhaps we'll never meet anymore
'Til we gather in heaven's bright city…
Far away on that beautiful shore
If we never meet again this side of heaven
As we struggle through this world and its strife
There's another meeting place somewhere in heaven
By the side of river of life
Where the roses bloom forever
And where separation comes no more
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I will meet you on that beautiful shore
O they say we shall meet by the river
Where no storm clouds ever darken the sky
And they say we'll be happy in heaven
In that wonderful sweet by and by
If we never meet again this side of heaven
As we struggle through this world and its strife
There's another meeting place somewhere in heaven
By the side of river of life
Where the roses bloom forever
And where separation comes no more
If we never meet again this side of heaven
I will meet you on that beautiful shore
J'adore toutes ces vieilles chansons du folklore américain reprises par Leon Redbone.
Celle-là en particulier, parce qu'elle est très coeur d'artichaut, avec les choeurs qui font Ououououou, et qu'elle s'inscrit au coeur de la tradition "demain ça sera vachement mieux"... ce qui est insupportablement faux si je me sors pas les doigts du cul dès aujourd'hui, puisqu'aujourd'hui c'est le hier de demain.
En voulant écouter If We Never Meet Again sur Youtube, j'ai trouvé le mot d'adieu de Leon posé sous la commode :
"Well folks, after many enjoyable decades of creating wonderful music, television commercials, talk show appearances and much more, the time has come for the Ole Redbone to officially retire from both public appearances and recording. Health has been a matter of concern for some time now & It has become too challenging to continue the full range of professional activities. From this day onward the Legacy of Leon Redbone will continue on in the hearts and minds of the people of this world, and I am sure the Redbone will be dearly missed by all. On a more happy note, a NEW double album of previously unreleased Leon Redbone music will be released in the near future currently titled "A Long Way Home", a collection of solo performances, both live and studio, dating from 1972 onward. Their will also be a Leon Redbone Documentary titled "Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone: The Search for Leon Redbone" which is currently in the works.The night is for sleeping, the day is for resting."
Ah, le putain de batard qui se débine pour raisons de santé.
Un gros feignant, ouais, comme tous les artistes.
J'espère qu'en arrivant au Paradis, Lemmy Kilminster va lui mettre un bon coup de basse dans la tronche avant de l'amener voir les 72 putes vierges tellement belles que si la Beauté se mangeait en salade, on mourrait étouffé rien qu'à les regarder.
Leon Redbone tente de passer incognito en se déguisant en José Bové,
auprès d'un individu non identifié qui essaie de se faire passer pour Joe Strummer,
mais franchement, on nous la fait pas, à nous.